ttrss-labels-to-tags.gitInclude labels (as categories) in generated feeds Linux User14 months
ttrss-hotkeys-ru.gitMirrors English hotkey map into Russian keyboard layout Linux User14 months
ttrss-img-placeholders.gitAdds loading placeholders for images (for slow connections) Linux User14 months
ttrss-hl-legacy.gitRevert back to legacy headline click behavior (ctrl-click to open in background,...Linux User14 months
ttrss-highlightjs.gitHightlights code blocks in articles using HighlightJS Linux User14 months
ttrss-favicon-unread.gitShows unread/fresh articles count in a favicon Linux User14 months
ttrss-grid-masonry.gitFakes masonry layout for grid view (EXPERIMENTAL) Linux User14 months
ttrss-enclosure-fix-type.gitOverrides content type for enclosures based on server-provided data Linux User14 months
ttrss-catchup-old.gitProvides a filter action to mark old articles as read, based on feed-provided ti...Linux User14 months
ttrss-close-button.gitAdds a button to close article panel Linux User14 months
ttrss-card-view.gitExperimental card view for combined mode Linux User14 months
ttrss-af-unburn.gitResolves feedburner and similar feed redirector URLs (requires CURL) Linux User14 months
ttrss-af-goodshowsir.gitFix image url in RSS feed Linux User14 months
ttrss-af-fontanka.gitGets full text content from RSS feed Linux User14 months
ttrss-af-fsckportal.gitRemove feedsportal spamlinks from article content Linux User14 months
tt-comics.gitPow! Comics Reader for Android Linux User14 months
ttrss-googlereaderkeys.gitKeyboard hotkeys emulate Google Reader (unmaintained) Linux User14 months
ttrss-search-sphinx.gitSphinx search plugin Linux User14 months repository for tt-comics-desktop Linux User23 months repository for ttrss-perceptual-image-hash Linux User3 years repository for ttrss-data-migration Linux User3 years